Saturday 1 February 2003

You Lost Me

you lost me, somewhere over here
lost me, no
not at you door
not on the phone
not waiting on that
precipice back home

search your pockets for
one last chance
check the screen for our old romance but
you may never work out
just where you misplaced me

i may show up at your door
i may reach for the line once more
i may be maybe waiting
for you but

you lost me, where
the key hides
always where you swore
you looked there
you lost me
where i said i’d be

and even though you
lost me quite carelessly
you get off the hook cos
it wasn’t intentional, after all,
and you swear you put me
back exactly where you
found me
which is true but
it’s a little, different now
now i’ve

© Rennie 2003